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Truth, turning and transformation: Join the Freedom in Christ course this term

Are you looking to go deeper in your faith? Would you like to take time out to go through a spiritual health check? Then sign up to our Freedom in Christ (FiC) course this term.

FiC is a tool Gateway has used for many years in equipping people to grow in their understanding of themselves, dealing with some of the baggage or unhelpful habits we can have and who God calls them to be. FiC describes the course as:

  • Flexible teaching sessions revealing the truth of who we are in Christ and the reality of the spiritual battle, with Pause for Thought times

  • The Steps To Freedom In Christ forms the ministry component of the course, helping us turn to Jesus through a "spiritual MOT"

  • The final key is "Stronghold-busting" - being transformed by the renewal of our minds, demolishing arguments set up against God.

Find out more about the course by watching the video:


Gateway Church Ashford | 01233 638866 | | The Riverside Centre, Clockhouse, Ashford, Kent, TN23 4YN


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