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Profile - John & Yinka - Double for our Trouble

John & Yinka with their son and daughter

We bless the name of the Lord for He has done wondrous things in our lives!

We married nearly 15 years ago but when the time came to start a family, I learned I had fibroids. Following the doctors’ advice, I had a series of surgical operations. Year after year, with a series of pregnancies and miscarriages, and with other diagnoses in addition to the fibroids, we almost despaired! We prayed, fasted, cried, saw scores of doctors, underwent cycles of IVF and travelled anywhere we thought could help.

It was really challenging, but God gave us the grace to hold on to His promises and get through the tough times.

Sometimes God seemed so far away, and I felt like I was drowning, but I thank God I held on tight.

I did not know how He would do it, but I knew He would do it.

God favoured us in August 2017 with another positive pregnancy test.  This time the journey started in earnest!  I was worried because I was now a lot older and the devil played with my mind many times but God always whispered quietly to remind me that He was the Lord my God, and this was His doing. We thank God for Graham and Sue, Rachel and Simon, Debbie and Pete who prayed with us and encouraged us from the very early days. 

I had a most glorious pregnancy, and all my hospital appointments went without a hitch.  This was God at work... And the icing on the cake was that God gave us double for our trouble. For so long we had prayed for just one child, but the God of compensation gave us two!  A boy and a girl! Our babies were perfect, healthy, God’s special gifts! Awesome is our God!

I encourage anyone on this journey (or any other journey for that matter), to trust in God. He never fails.  He proved Himself for my family. He has done it so many times before, and He will do it again.

My evergreen song, always on my lips starts like this: Onise Iyanu You are the God of awesome wonders I’ve tasted of Your power Onise Iyanu You have shown me so much mercy Much more than I deserve....


Gateway Church Ashford, is a church in Ashford, Kent, and is part of the New Frontiers movement and within the Catalyst Network sphere.


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