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Focus On - Freedom In Christ

The Freedom in Christ course is an opportunity to gently dig over the soil of your life so that it will be more fruitful. For a gardener this is a yearly activity. This course equips you to be a good disciple of Jesus by tending your soil in a similar way.

There are ten group sessions held in a relaxed and non-confrontational atmosphere. During each session you hear a clear and anointed DVD presentation of Bible teaching on foundational issues regarding your acceptance by God, your significance to Him and your security in Him. There is then an optional opportunity towards the end of the course to talk and pray through the application of these truths to yourself on an individual basis in a gentle but thorough way.

It’s a course for every Christian, whether you are a new believer or whether you’ve been a Christian for a long time. It is tool that will enable you: - to resist the enemy and his lies about you which rob you of joy; - to remove rocks of unbelief that prevent the truth of God’s Word from going down deep, from your head to your heart; to flourish rather than wither when life is difficult; - to avoid being choked by weeds like worries or wrong priorities which make you bear little and disappointing fruit.

Freedom in Christ isn’t a course that you take part in and which you move on from and forget – although it could be. It’s an invitation to Christian discipleship: > Upwards - in worship and deep, satisfying connection with Father, practicing His Presence; > Inwards – in being transformed by the renewing of our minds and the leading of His Spirit; > Outwards – so what we do and what we say each tells others Who we really believe in - Jesus.

For information about the next course, contact Paul or Barbara Claydon via the Church Office.


Get in touch to find out about the next course:

Gateway Church Ashford, is a church in Ashford, Kent, and is part of the New Frontiers movement and within the Catalyst Network sphere.


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