Hi All,
We have looked at lots of stories about Jesus' life all of which help us to know Jesus and live how Jesus wants us too. There is one big thing that Jesus asks us to do for him which is to go and make disciples. What is a disciple you may ask?
Take a look at this video and see what making a disciple means:
The bible verse - Matthew 28:16-20
The Great commission
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
I am so grateful that Jesus didn’t just say this and tell us to get on with it. He sent his Holy Spirit to guide us and to live with us forever.
Here is a video that Debbie made to help us understand this,
We are going to look more at the Holy Spirit in the next few weeks!
Here is a song for you all called SHINE
Here is a colouring page:
Have a great rest of the week!