I remember when I became a believer, I was naive and thought it would be very nice for me to escape all the sufferings, temptations and challenges that faced me then and be with my Lord - but it didn't happen.
Later as I grew in my faith I began to learn that I had been saved for a purpose, and this purpose is a multidimensional one. I learned that service is part of that multidimensional purpose.
So I have come to embrace this purpose and over the years I have found myself serving in different departments of the church. Whether it's doing set up at university, or an administrative position in my youth fellowship, or arranging the chairs at Gateway church - I know this is something the Lord wants me to do for His glory.
The scriptures that inspire me the most are Exodus 23:25 and Romans 12:11.
Would you like to get involved in serving at Gateway? Speak to the Elders, Community Group Leaders or contact the church office office@gatewaychurchashford.co.uk
Gateway Church Ashford, is a church in Ashford, Kent, and is part of the New Frontiers movement and within the Catalyst Network sphere.