Are you put off by the thought of prayer? Think of someone that you are most comfortable with, who is always pleased to see you. How does talking to this person make you feel? Keep that thought in mind… Psalm 16 v 11b says “In Your presence there is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures ever more” (AMPC).
I simply share my heart and feelings.
I am no expert, but this is how I feel when I spend time with God. I give Him my full attention; no practice, no rehearsal. I simply share my heart and feelings. I have come to realise that God is interested in knowing all about us, His beloved children. He acts the same way we parents do when our children talk about the details of their day. He listens with rapt attention.
As well as a set daily prayer time, I take everything else that happens in my day to Him too. Psalm 3:4 AMPC says it best: “With my voice I cry out to the Lord, and He hears and answers me…..” I have gone in to the toilet at work countless times simply to have a ‘Time Out’ with Him. He has never let me down. I talk to Him first as soon as something happens - about family and friends new and old, food (when I’m cooking), about meetings, people who need Him as their Saviour, church, world affairs. The list is endless.
He always answers; sometimes immediately, and I never stop feeling thrilled when He speaks to my heart. At other times, it can take a frustratingly long time but I know that He Who invites us to ‘cast all our cares, worries and concerns on Him also “cares for us affectionately and watchfully.’ (I Peter 5: 7 AMPC).
Will you make time to talk to your Heavenly Father today? Everyday? He is waiting.
Gateway Church Ashford, is a church in Ashford, Kent, and is part of the New Frontiers movement and within the Catalyst Network sphere.