As a church, we are committing to reading John's Gospel together over 62 days. Day 1 starts on the 10th October 2022.
Download your copy here:

How to use this book:
– This series of devotionals is designed to take you through John’s Gospel over 62 days. This is manageable!
– We suggest setting aside a regular time you will do this every day and aim to get into a rhythm. You will need 10-15 minutes per day to study effectively.
– Begin every study session with a prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you read. He guides us in truth (John 16:13) and we need his help when studying his word.
– Aim to stick with one bible translation. We recommend any of the following: NIV, ESV, NLT, CET or NRSV. Read the passage listed for each day before reading the daily reflection.
– Complete you time of study in prayer. We have written prayers and reflections to help you each day, but also ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.
About John’s Gospel
John’s gospel was written in around 95AD. It is the last gospel to have been written and was written by one of Jesus’ closest disciples - John. He warmly refers to himself throughout the book as ‘the disciple that Jesus loved’.
The book is divided into 4 main sections. There is a prologue which is a fancy word for an introduction. The first half is referred to by theologians as ‘the book of signs’ and it contains stories signalling that Jesus is God. The second half is referred to as ‘the book of glory’ this charts the events over the course of the final week leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus. The gospel ends with an epilogue which helps complete the story.
Prologue (1:1-18) The book of signs (1:19–12:50) The book of glory (13:1–20:29) Epilogue (20:30-21:25)
Gateway Church Ashford | 01233 638866 | | The Riverside Centre, Clockhouse, Ashford, Kent, TN23 4YN