We are currently going through an excellent series called 'Meals with Jesus', based on the book by Ed Drew. You can watch the series here.
We love it when God speaks to us as a community. Tim recently got in touch sharing a poem he has written inspired by Luke 7 verses 36-50 and the series. Be encouraged - you are forgiven and free!
Forgiven and Free!
Please don’t judge me,
You don’t know what I’ve been through.
In another set of circumstances,
Maybe I could have been you.
But today is a fresh beginning.
Today is decision time.
I’ve had enough of the life I’ve been living,
And pretending everything is fine.
It’s time to stop hiding in dark places,
With a dread and a fear in my heart.
I’ve realised yes, there is something better,
And that I really can have a brand-new start.
The decision that resounds in my heart today
Nobody but him truly sees.
But some how I know he’ll understand me,
When I kneel down at his feet.
My heart is pounding as I’m drawing near,
To the place where he’s dining tonight.
I can hear his voice and it stills my heart,
The one who speaks words of eternal life.
The looks of disgust don’t bother me,
I’ve faced them every day.
I’m here in faith and my hope’s in him.
All that matters is what he has to say.
All around me their eyes are like daggers,
Yet his smile breaks like the sunrise.
I sit at his feet and I’m safe at last.
My life of pain flowing from my eyes.
Like a shield over and around me;
Like shade from the midday sun;
Like a bubbling brook is his presence
Where cool waters just run and run.
I can’t hold back any longer,
My hands holding all that I have.
I pour over his feet my perfume;
My love touching perfect love.
And then he reaches out to rescue me.
The brightest light into the darkest place.
He lifts my head and I gaze at him,
And the amazing love shining from his face.
He speaks as one with power!
Wow, He even knows my name!
He doesn’t despise or reject me.
I know I’ll never be the same again.
He’s my river of forgiveness and healing.
He’s my fountain of never-ending peace.
He’s brought my life new meaning,
And from my prison he speaks release.
I’ll never forget the day I met Jesus,
And he can do the same for you.
From my brokenness to wholeness,
From my old life to brand new.
I now just want to tell others
Of all he has done for me.
Because of Jesus I’m now forgiven,
And by his power I’m now set free!
By Tim Arnott
Gateway Church Ashford | 01233 638866 | office@gatewaychurchashford.co.uk
www.gatewaychurchashford.co.uk | The Riverside Centre, Clockhouse, Ashford, Kent, TN23 4YN